Growth Hack | Online Reviews

Growth Hack Online Reviews

If you’re running a new online business or an existing e-commerce store, you have a long-term goal in mind. You should increase your online sales. In order to boost your online conversion, there are a number of growth hacks you need to practice. One of these growth hacks is generating and improving online reviews. 

Online reviews help small businesses in expanding their market and revenue. Customer reviews not only boost consumer loyalty, but also enhance search results, improve product and service feedback loops, and have a big impact on online and offline buying decisions. Here’s how to use customer feedback to help your business grow significantly.

Growth Hack and Effective Ways to Boost Your Online Reviews

  • Celebrate the good reviews. Respond to the bad reviews.

Customers are not just reading other customers’ feedback but 89% of them also read how you respond to each online review. Make sure to deal and engage with the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

Any message or review you get from your customers must be responded to. If anyone has left a positive review, celebrate and share it with the rest of the world. If you receive negative feedback, don’t leave it hanging and unanswered, writing a respectful and understanding answer will likely avoid conflict and the dissemination of negative opinions about your brand.

  • Enhance your customer service

Outstanding customer experience and satisfaction are key elements to get people to trust your brand, do business with you and leave positive feedback. According to a study, 79% of customers choose to do business with a brand that shows cares for them.

Furthermore, as time passes, customer experience will have a much greater impact on customer satisfaction, as it will surpass price and product as the primary brand differentiator, implying that you should begin focusing on providing unforgettable experiences to your customers.

  • Show off your premises

If you get a good online review, tell everyone about it. Make the most of your positive reviews by including them in your website content, social media posts, newsletters, and any other material where you can deliver to current and prospective customers. The more you promote your great attributes, the more opportunities you’ll have to create new customer relationships and strengthen the existing ones.

  • Stay true to your online marketing strategy

Since being online is the fastest way to introduce a brand today, it’s important that it’s accurately represented and shared. Your brand should be anchored by its values, and there’s no better place to let those values shine than in the online world. Staying true to your brand and marketing strategy such as products, pricing, promotion, and alike will gain trust, support, and positive feedback from your audience. If you’re just starting out or have been in the industry for a while, staying true to the brand you’ve worked so hard to establish is crucial.

  • Be creative and consistently update your social media

You can’t have creativity without keeping a level of consistency. Maintain your social media presence on platforms by consistently posting creative content that your ideal clients appreciate. 

Include feedback among your other informative posts. You never know when a comment made by a satisfied customer will encourage someone else to become a new customer. An interesting social media feed will keep you top of mind with consumers and boost strong brand recognition.

There’s no limit on how many new visitors you can attract, engage, and convert once you start using these online reviews growth hacks in your digital marketing campaigns. However, keep in mind to never forget to consistently request reviews from your customers. If you keep on repeating the same testimonial, your audience will get bored easily when they see the same reviews over and over again. Add collecting customer reviews to your to-do list, and still invite former customers to provide feedback. It’s preferable to have too many reviews than to have few.

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