Guide to Rebranding in 2021 Is Your Brand Outdated

Rebranding,Rebranding in 2021,Rebranding 2021,brand identity,online presence,online branding,social media,social media marketing,digital marketing,growth hack
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Rebranding aims to create a fresh and distinct brand identity in the eyes and minds of customers, investors, prospects, competitors, and the general public. Your brand serves the face and voice of your business. However, when the two are no longer matched and your brand has essentially outgrown its image, it’s probably time for a rebrand. 

The most common reason why businesses do a rebranding because of an outdated brand. If you want to be a step ahead of the competition, you must have a modern brand. A brand that seems old will keep your company from performing its best in your business. To help you out, here are some signs that your brand is existing in the wrong decade and it’s time for you to do rebranding. 

6 Signs Your Brand is Outdated and Need Rebranding

  1. Your brand lacks valuable visuals

Good design and images can exchange ideas faster and with a better probability of recall than text alone. The influence of digital technology is leveraged by modern brands to include pictures, graphics, animations, infographics, and more. Take some time to look at your brand, does it rely too much on the text? If so, to help you reimagine your brand with photos, you may consider hiring a powerful conceptual designer.

  1. Your audience has a completely different perception of who you are

Sometimes, you’ll put a lot of work into creating a certain brand image and online presence just to find out that your customers see you in a totally different light. Do a survey with your target market to know how they really see you. If your brand makes an impression that does not correctly indicate what you do, it’s certainly time to reconsider your brand identity.

  1. Your website is not responsive, not mobile-friendly

A responsive and mobile-friendly website means one that does not require unnecessary scrolling, zooming, or other maneuverings on various devices to view it. Stats also indicate that most users visiting websites using their mobile phones. With voice search on the rise, if your site is optimized for smartphones, Google is far more likely to show you fame and recognition to top the search engine result page.

  1. Your brand doesn’t reflect the new products and services you offer

You might have started as a web design business, but now you have developed into a full-scale advertising agency. If so, you should not identify your business as a web design company only. You need to modify your branding to match your new services. This tells your target audience what you actually do, allowing you to get more leads and sales.

  1. You have a new target audience

Whenever you modify your target audience you have to update your brand also so that it interacts with your new target market better.

  1. Your company is modern but your graphics are “old”

In today’s modernized browsers and web design platforms make things easier than ever to build new, elegant graphics. So if you have not given your site an update since then, it’s probably time. There are lots of tools, including free ones, out there that can make people who are not designers look like pros.

Time to Update your Brand and Plan for Rebranding in 2021

Updating or rebranding your business can be overwhelming. However, you don’t need to do it alone. To help you build a rebranding implementation strategy that will allow your company to effectively update its brand, you can always seek help from digital marketing experts, like MECACA Global Network. We have the skills and experience to help you complete and update your brand. Be assured that we have all the tools and resources you need not only to refresh your brand identity but also to help you grow!

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