5 Best SEO Practices For Newbies

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MECACA Guide to SEO Practices

There are many ways to optimize your website’s SEO. Often, we are overwhelmed by suggestions and opinions that we found on the internet. With plenty of options and less time to try, which one of them suits your website? Before we start, let’s get to know what is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). 

Search Engine Optimization / SEO

People type in many “keywords” into Google for various things they are looking for. For example “where to eat, what to cook, how’s the weather or finding specific product or service”. From there, Google responds by displaying a number of websites that are relevant to the keywords they have entered in their search. The higher your website ranks in these search results, the more likely it is that a potential customer will find and click through to your website. This is SEO. 

SEO aim is to attract some of those relevant people looking for what you have to offer and bring them to your website. With the constant upgrade and change in SEO algorithm, no wonder even the veteran can make mistake in optimizing SEO for their website. We at MECACA Global Network have a few tips for newbies on how you can optimize your SEO with ease. Simple, not too complex and applicable while bringing positive results.

5 Best SEO Practices For Newbies

With years of experience and plenty of trial and errors, MECACA have decided to make a small summary of tips that can significantly boost the ranking of your website. Here are 5 tips to help you maintain your sanity and success in the  SEO game. 

  1. Make Sure Your Content is Created Around Focused and Relevant Keywords
    Never doubt the power of researching keywords for your content. It helps to build the frame of your blog and create connections with your audiences too. By understanding which keywords to use, you can boost SEO ranking. Remember to input the keywords naturally in the content and do not stuff them in the content at the last minute.
  2. Create Effective Header Tags to Target Google Featured Snippets
    Organize the content logically when you’re developing the content. For starters, you can arrange the most important piece of information at the top of the page. This is because the majority of the audience spend time on looking at the content at the top of the page before they scroll down. Consider adding jump links to the top of your page to get the most out of the keywords that you’re targeting.
  3. Diversify Backlinks
    Yes, it is the truth that a big part of SEO is about trusted backlinks. Dofollow backlink carry more weights compared to nofollow backlink. You can mix both types of backlinks to signal Google for the page’s authority. For instance, target publishers when you’re promoting your content. You can use Backlinks Analytics Tool to identify the referring domains.
  4. Create Proper URLs and Meta Description
    Organizing specific content and topics can help to structure your future content. By doing so, it helps you to create similar content down the road and it will look good not just for the SEO score but also on your website. Make sure the meta description and URL are using short and concise words. Always include the keywords that you’re targeting in them too!
  5. Decrease Loading Speed for Your Website
    Nobody wants to wait. No matter how interesting your offer can be, how amusing and informative the content that you already prepared, most people may be blown off by waiting for your page to load. The number 1 reason for high bounce rates is slow loading time. Google has stated that “speed equals revenue”. This means that low loading times increase the odds that your site visitors are going to leave your website page. For this reason alone, your SEO ranking does depend on the speed of your website. Use a proper page speed auditing tool to determine what is slowing down your website and address that immediately. 
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