Tips to Make Facebook Ads That Get Clicks

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Facebook Ads Challenges You Should Acknowledge 

We used to hear the saying “we need more engagements in our campaigns” or “we need more conversions” in online marketing. And when we hear these, digital marketers tend to increase their marketing budget in hopes of yielding more results. It may help at first but this kind of practice will give more problems in the long run. 

The key is to do it right, get the right target audience, enough marketing fund and lastly, the right copy. Never underestimate the proper terms and words, they can bring extraordinary results without ridiculous spending. Before we move further on how to create great Facebook Ads, let’s dive into the common challenges that we face in Facebook Advertising. 

  • Wrong target audience
  • Failure to comply with Facebook rules
  • Inability to connect with your fans/followers
  • Repetitive marketing strategies
  • Low conversion rate
  • Skipping A/B testing
  • Bad designs

How to Make Facebook Ads That Get Clicks

Let’s familiarize ourselves with the terms “Copy” & “Design”. Copy is text that is carefully crafted for a specific outcome. Design is a set of multimedia multimedia, such as images, collages, videos and more. By combining these 2 together, you can foresee more favorable outcomes in CTR (Click Through Rate) or help to break paid acquisition.

Always start with this step and you’ll never go wrong. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. Focus on writing appealing copy to those higher up in your audience. By doing so, you’ll save more time and can focus on converting this set of potential customers. Map out your journey for your customers

Steps to writing ad copy:

1. Identify the product’s benefits and your audience’s concerns.

2. Write a pitch addressing each.

3. Make the pitch compelling.

4. Make it concise and simple. Check on these examples here

Next, you can use one of these copywriting frameworks to write purposeful ads:

  • Articulate the problem, solution, and benefit
    Find their problem and solve it for them while offering great benefits. Ex: “Gymbro makes fitness more effective [problem] by tracking your weekly progress through assessments/routines [solution]. No more uncertainty [benefit] as to whether you’re improving. Your progress will be as clear as daylight”
  • Highlight your differentiation/uniqueness
    Write a copy highlighting how you differ from the competition. Are you the only fitness center that is endorsed by Arnold? Are you the best trainer or highest quality in your market? Focus on what makes you unique. Then add details to support your claim.
  • Ask a convincing question
    “Do you know that your diet is the reason why you’re showing real progress? Wrong diet delays progress and wastes money!” Try to ask questions that prompt responses such as, “Wow, I didn’t know that” and “No, tell me more.”
  • Match value to the audiences
    Ex: “The only fitness program for busy hard working people like you” , ” Save money and get fit. Affordable for students”. When people see themselves in your copy, they’re more likely to click.

Consider adding social proof for external validation that your product/service is as great. For example: Over 5000 dog owners love our pet cleaning services, used by the Big 4 companies, nominated as the best restaurant in Tokyo Magazine, etc. 

Remember to avoid these common copywriting errors:

a. Not twisting the knife—you want customers to really feel the problem you solve

b. Disjointed sentences that don’t logically flow from one to the next

c. Vague value proposition. Be specific to your audience

d. Not being concise and straight to the point. Eliminate needless words

Interested in learning more about campaign management in digital marketing? Let’s have a small chat with us at MECACA to have amazing digital marketing success! 

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