Newbies Tips to Writing Meta Title Tags and Meta Descriptions for SEO

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Even Newbie Can Score Good SEO Score

The title tags and meta descriptions are the first thing people will see and read about your site when it is shown in the search result page. Before they click on your actual site content, the titles and descriptions play a big role in converting clicks to visitors. On top of that, these criteria affect how it scores in the search ranking too.  

So, before we publish a site or a page, make sure the titles and descriptions match the content of your site. For starters, identify proper keywords to describe your site. Keyword research is an essential step to take in the fundamentals of development of a website. Writing title tags and meta descriptions readable by both search engines and web surfers may seem like a complicated task. At first glance, you may be confused on how it can be done but no worries, we are here to help you! 

Must Know Things About SEO

Always take note of this.  You must know that search engine optimization or SEO is usually divided into two categories:

  1. On Page SEO
  2. Off Page SEO

On Page SEO is a frontline of the page. It includes keywords in the right places of your web page such as contents of the page/blog post, headings, and meta title tag and meta description. 

Off Page SEO is the backends of your site. It contains mostly about generating backlinks to your website that helps it climb the search engine rankings. 

Although having good backlinks can contribute to good SEO scores, do not neglect the on page SEO criteria. Because if you don’t write good meta title tags and meta descriptions, you may lower your chances to climb to that top spot in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). 

Newbie Tips to Writing Meta Title Tags and Meta Descriptions for SEO

The title tag is a simple and brief statement of what the page is all about. Make the title is around 50-60 characters in length because Google will not display more characters than that on their search results. Here are some best practices to write title meta tags for your web pages.

  • Do not write title meta tags longer than 60 characters.
  • Add modifiers—such as how-to, tips, buy, find, top, etc.—to your title tag.
  • Titles with numbers work better, same is true for title tags as well.
  • Insert your primary keyword in the title tag, preferably right at the beginning.
  • Write a unique title tag for each page.
  • If you have a well-known brand, then you can add your brand name to your title tags to get more clicks. 

Best practices to write Meta Description:

  • Write meta descriptions no longer than 156 character length and to optimize for mobile, keep it limited to 130 characters.
  • Include your primary keyword and other important keywords as naturally as possible.
  • Clearly explain what users can expect from a page if they click on it.
  • You can even highlight your main keywords by making them bold so that they stand out and draw viewers’ attention.
  • Write unique meta descriptions for each page on your website.
  • Do not include any non-alphanumeric characters in your meta descriptions.

Final Words From MECACA

Meta title tags and meta descriptions are indeed valuable. They are not only important for search engines, but also for human visitors to find them useful from time to time. Use the various tips mentioned in this post to perfect the art of writing meta tags.

Remember to try these tips and have fun with them. And if you need help with your website optimization efforts. We can help you. 

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